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You’ve Been Washing Your Face All Wrong—Here’s How!

Hello, beautiful people! 🌟 As a dermatology physician assistant, I’ve seen it all – from the driest of dry to the oiliest of oily skins, and let me tell you, almost everyone makes little oopsies when it comes to washing their face. But worry not! I’m here to sprinkle some of my skincare fairy dust and guide you through the do’s and don’ts of face washing. Whether you’re 18 or 64, it’s never too late to tweak your routine for glowy, happy skin. So, let’s dive in!

Understanding Your Skin Type

First things first, let’s talk about your skin type. Think of it as your skincare personality—it’s unique to you and needs to be treated with TLC. There are five main types: oily, dry, combination, sensitive, and normal. Not sure where you fit? Try the bare-faced test. Wash your face, pat it dry, and leave it product-free for a few hours. How does it feel? Tight and parched? Hello, dry skin. Shiny and greasy? Oily, I presume. A mix of both? You’re likely rocking combination skin.

I remember when I first realized I had combination skin. It was like a light bulb went off! My T-zone was like an oil slick while my cheeks were as dry as the Sahara. Knowing your skin type is crucial because it dictates everything from the type of cleanser you should use to how often you should wash your face.

The Common Mistakes You’re Making

Now, onto the juicy part—where most slip-ups happen. Let’s clear the air:

Over-washing and Under-washing

Finding the balance is key. Washing too often can strip your skin of its natural oils, while not washing enough can leave dirt and oil to build up, leading to breakouts. Twice a day is usually the sweet spot.

Using the Wrong Water Temperature

Hot water can be too harsh, and cold water won’t open your pores. Lukewarm water is just right—it’s like the Goldilocks of temperatures for your face!

Choosing the Wrong Cleansers

Using a harsh soap on sensitive skin or a too-mild cleanser on oily skin can wreak havoc. I learned this the hard way when I used my body soap on my face in college. Big no-no. It left my skin feeling like a rubber mask. Yikes!

Harsh Scrubbing

Your face isn’t a kitchen floor, so don’t scrub it like one! Gentle circular motions are your best friends.

Ignoring Moisturizing

Moisturizing right after washing is like sealing the deal. It locks in hydration and keeps your skin barrier healthy.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Face Washing

Step 1: Choosing the Right Cleanser

Look for one that matches your skin type. If you have dry skin, creamy, hydrating cleansers are your BFF. Oily skin types may benefit from foaming or gel cleansers. And for my sensitive skin pals, fragrance-free and gentle is the way to go.

Step 2: The Correct Water Temperature

Remember, lukewarm is the magic word. It’s soothing and effective, the perfect spa treatment for your face.

Step 3: The Washing Technique

Gently massage your cleanser in circular motions for about 30 seconds. No rushing! This is your mini-meditation moment. Enjoy it!

Step 4: Drying and Moisturizing

Pat your face dry with a clean towel—no rubbing, please. Then, while your skin is still a bit damp, apply a moisturizer suited for your skin type. It’s like giving your skin a little hydrating hug. Even oily skin sufferers need a moisturizer. It will trick your skin into thinking it doesn’t need more oil.

Additional Tips and Tricks

How Often to Wash

Listen to your skin. Again, twice a day is usually the sweet spot. If you only cleanse once a day, you’re sweating a lot, or wearing heavy makeup, night time washes are a must.

The Role of Exfoliation

Exfoliation is the cherry on top of your skincare routine. But remember, overdoing it can lead to irritation. two to three times a week is plenty.

Night vs. Morning Washing Routines

Your morning wash can be gentler, focusing on removing the night’s skincare products. At night, focus on removing makeup, sunscreen, and the day’s grime. Double cleansing is a gentle way to wash off the day and makeup. You will cleanse with an oil based cleanser first, to wash away the makeup, then follow that with a gentle cleanser to finish the job.

Diet and Hydration

What you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your skin. Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet can work wonders for your complexion.

Common Myths Debunked

Let’s bust some myths! No, you don’t need to wash your face as often as you check your phone. And no, using more products doesn’t mean better skin. Sometimes, simplicity is key.


Revamping your face washing routine might seem like a

small change, but trust me, it can make a big difference in your skin’s health and appearance. Remember, skincare is personal. What works for your best friend might not work for you, and that’s okay! The best routine is the one that fits your skin type, lifestyle, and budget.

So, go ahead, experiment within these guidelines, and find what makes your skin feel like it’s living its best life. And remember, I’m here cheering you on, ready to welcome you into the glowy skin club. Let’s make face washing mistakes a thing of the past!

Call to Action

I’d love to hear about your face washing triumphs and trials! Share your stories and tips in the comments below. And if you’re feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to a skincare professional. We’re like detectives for your skin, always ready to help you solve the mystery of the perfect routine. Don’t forget to hydrate, smile, and wash your face tonight. Happy cleansing!

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